Thursday 29 December 2011

What Makes A Good Commerce Servers?

Before that, let me explain what are servers and clients means. A server is a robot-type program that constantly runs on some computer and exchanges information with users who request it. Clients is users programs that access and exchanges information with servers. Commerce servers are specializes types of Web servers with various commerce related features.

The features are it has support for the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol. This protocol involves encrypting all communications between the client and the server, thus ensuring that transactions are private and free from outside manipulation. Beside that, it support for specialized types of client and server authentication, such as digital certification which positively ensures both the client and the server of each other's identity.

Other than that, it support for interfacing with "external" programs. This type of support makes it possible for the client to use exchange information with accounting programs and databases that may reside on the server's computer. The examples of external program support include the CGI (Common Gateway Interface), JAVA and ActiveX language.  It is also enhanced security features such as multilevel security access and detailed transaction logging and also on-line credit card or bank verification.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Why Flowchart is Important for Accounting Information System?

Flowchart is important for Accounting Information Systems because :

>  it can illustrate the relationship among processes and the documents that flow between them.

>  contain more details than data flow diagram.

>  flowchart is an analytical techniques used to describe some aspect  of an information system in clear, concise and logical manner.

> flowchart used a standard set of symbols to pictorially describe transaction processing procedures.

Friday 23 December 2011


1.  Maintaining Debtor Listing

Debtors --> Debtor File Maintenance --> ADD --> key in all data --> SAVE

2.  Maintaining Creditor Listing

Creditors --> Creditor File Maintenance --> ADD --> key in all data --> SAVE

3.  General

4.  Transaction 
       --> Choose either 'Add Entry' or 'Quick Entry'

    * Quick entry ~can key in all information faster compared by using 'Add Entry'.

5.  Housekeeping

Housekeeping --> Setup --> Account type descriptions

6.  Report 
          -->  We can check account transaction that we have done.

After we done with all the transaction and key in data, we need to do a backup.

     Backup & Restore --> Backup --> Choose file C --> click OK

Friday 16 December 2011

Three Main Business Processes in An Organization

A business process is an interrelated set of tasks that involve data, organizational units, and a logical time sequence.

~> Primary business processes (directly add value to the company's products)

  • Inbound Sales Logistics
  • Outbound Sales Logistics
  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • Service

~> Supporting business processes ( activities that indirectly add value and support the primary processes)

  • Procurement
  • Technology Development
  • Human Resources
  • Firm Infrastructure

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Four Skills that I have learned today

This week, in class we have learned about four skills. The skills are :-

>  Delete the entire transaction for Salary of RM 4 000.

>  Change the description in Chart of Account from Sales to Cash Sales.

>  Use the V.Edit function to do the changes at the same screen, for example :-

-  Change the Sales value from RM 2 000 to RM 2 300.
-  Change the rental value from RM 2 000 to RM 1 500.

>  Change the Purchase value from Rm 2 000 to RM 2 500.

Friday 9 December 2011

Why Backup is Important for Accounting System

In class, we have learned how to make backup for Accounting System. We need to backup all the data that we have done and saved. The step that we used in order to make a backup are :-

File ~~~> Backup and Restore ~~~> Backup ~~~> in file :C ~~~> Backup

Then, we need to check back either the folder already backup or not by doing this step :-

My computer ~~~> Local disc :C ~~~> Backup

For me, backup is important for Accounting system because :-

* to avoid any loss of the data that we have done and saved

* to have full protection of data

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Three UBS Skills That I have Learned Today


This morning, I have learned about UBS Skills.. Now, I know that there are three types of UBS skills that we can use which are :-

*  chart of accounts

*  batches

*  business transaction (add entry)

1.  I need to to create new company data.

Company's name  : NAJWA_DIA
Directory  :  ASGN 1

2.  At UBS Interface

User  : ADMIN
Password  : UBS
Date  :  6/12/2011

3.  Update company's profile

Co-name  : Sunny Electrical Company

4.  Enter eight (8) types of chart of account


*  1(1)  General Ledger Accounts Maintenance

- I need enter the types of account and the account number before I saved it

Then to check back all account that I have saved, I will need to go to :-
 * 1(3) Print Chart of Account

5.  Enter seven (7) types of batches (JOURNAL)


* 4(2) Organize Batches
- to check back that all account that I have done is already saved.

6.  Add entry business transaction

* 4(1) Transaction File Maintenance
-  batch no : 5
- key in all business transaction information

* 4(3) Print Batch of Transaction
- for me to check back all transaction in Batch 5

Friday 2 December 2011

My 1st Blog Post Regarding Accounting Information System (DAC0163) Mini Blogging Project


My name is Nurul Najwa binti Mohd Moktar, but peoples like to call me Najwa. 
I'm one of the Accounting diploma's student @ Management & Sciences University (MSU). 
This time, i'm just starting my 4th semester. I'm taking a total of five subjects this semester and one of the subject is Accounting Information System (AIS) with code DAC0163, taught by Mr Noreffendy.

In this subject, we (AIS's students) were asked to create our own blog relating to this subjects. Every week, we need to update our blog based on the topic given by the lecturer in the class.. Every post will be given a mark as part of our assessment.

This blog also will be become a pioneer mini project for this subject. So, I really hope that this blog will meet the objectives of this subject and can help me and other students in the future..

Thursday 1 December 2011

The Accounting Information System (DAC0163) Disclaimer

This blogging mini project is part of creative and innovative teaching under Accounting Information System (DAC0163). All post made by the owner of this blog is solely for the purpose of discussion and academic learning only and to fulfill the requirement of mini project Accounting Information System (DAC0163).
 This is pioneer mini project for the Accounting Information System (DAC0163) and any advantages or disadvantages occurred will be taken into consideration for improvement in the future.