Friday 2 December 2011

My 1st Blog Post Regarding Accounting Information System (DAC0163) Mini Blogging Project


My name is Nurul Najwa binti Mohd Moktar, but peoples like to call me Najwa. 
I'm one of the Accounting diploma's student @ Management & Sciences University (MSU). 
This time, i'm just starting my 4th semester. I'm taking a total of five subjects this semester and one of the subject is Accounting Information System (AIS) with code DAC0163, taught by Mr Noreffendy.

In this subject, we (AIS's students) were asked to create our own blog relating to this subjects. Every week, we need to update our blog based on the topic given by the lecturer in the class.. Every post will be given a mark as part of our assessment.

This blog also will be become a pioneer mini project for this subject. So, I really hope that this blog will meet the objectives of this subject and can help me and other students in the future..

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